mlm td..aku n eross g mkn kt umah atok...atok pnggil dtg mkn...hehe... dh lama tk rasa mskn atok..skali skala dpt mkn best jugak!!!
ok laaa..kami mkn lu~~~yummy!!!
... I share 50% stories about ME ...
"...they say you must find balance between work and play...and as for me, I just always see my works as my play..."
quote by mr. sho sakurai
mlm td..aku n eross g mkn kt umah atok...atok pnggil dtg mkn...hehe... dh lama tk rasa mskn atok..skali skala dpt mkn best jugak!!!
ok laaa..kami mkn lu~~~yummy!!!
Posted by
w a w a A Z U R A
sometimes...things that u are really wishing for, doesn't work the way u want to..
sometimes...things that u really hope for, turns to happen the other way round...
sometimes...things that u well-planned for future, it remains as the same situation as before...
till when u feel tired enough, yet there is no sign to be happened..
do we need to wait for miracle till happens??
to ensure things become reality???
i really don't know, till the minute i typed this..
i am still exploring, adventuring my life for fulfilling the hopes..
the hopes of many people...i guess so..
*yes...not everything that we wish for, will turn into reality...i just hope for the best for myself!!!*
Posted by
w a w a A Z U R A
hola minna-san!!!
hehe..berita baik nya..aku dh amek lappy aku dr klinik hp last friday!! horrayyyy!! betapa gumbiranya aku!! mcm2 khazanah aku ada dlm nih.. so aku rindu laaa sgt2.. haha...nak citer...dekstop aku nih..gmba tut tut tut...hehe, so org kt klinik hp ni at 1st, ingt silap bg laptop kt aku..since diorg tgk dekstop aku nih macam??!!%#^% haha!!! klaka tol depa tuh...well, aku assume maybe sape2 pon akan pk cmtuh kot..since dekstop aku mmg tk wonder laa!!
nih laa rupa dekstop lappy aku..hehe..xpelik laa kn..^^
then, sabtu..seperti bese aku n aya dating skali lg @ klcc...this time aku drive...kami wat sistem giliran...aman rumah tngga..tkde gado2..haha...g klcc amek??? bese laa..brg kt kino...aku syg kino!!! hehe..then, lps tuh, g burger king..mangan2 tghari..yummy!!
aya mkn beger-black-pepper...yummy!!
nih aku nyer lunch...double yummy!!! kt bekas air berger king nih, cam cover arashi dvd aku laa..tema kaler merah+coklat-cream..exactly cm cover arashi aku...xcaya tgk sini...
waktu tgh mangan2...2x kali kami di interrupt...huh!!! dua2 pon pnggil kami akak...ano...adakah kami kelihatan seperti akak??? tidak!!!
ok laa...tuh jer..sekian~till then, mata ne!!~~
Posted by
w a w a A Z U R A
tiring week..
ok, last week, tgh sebuk2 org nk ngundi, my lovely aunty kena msk spital 1day b4 org buang undi utk operate masuk besi kt, since almost two weeks before 2, aku dh byk settle down my works, so secara kebetulan, hari yg my aunty kena operate, aku free laa plak, so i decided to accompany lily, and wait with her at HKL, so hari tuh, very early in the morning (7am), kitorg dh siap g ke spital...but then, my aunty dh already masuk ke operation theatre (OT), so me and lily decided to hv breakfast..and while waiting for the operation selesai, kitorg pon g klcc lg..hehe...klcc tuh dh jd cm tmpt feveret lak...then, after blk dr klcc, we headed straight 2 the hospital again, tp my aunty still in ptg tuh dlm kul 4.30pm br dia kuar dr bilik tuh...alhamdulillah sume dh selamat, dn selesai...
gmba entrance spital
then, mlm jumaat..aku blk bentong tumpang sepupu....ari sabtu pg, my future-sis-in-law (cewah...blom rasmi lg pon sbnrnya..) dtg umah utk pertama kali nya....and sng2 dh mudah nya my parents bg approval kt along aku utk proceed...maybe jodoh kot..aku doakan kesejahteraan mereka...then, ptg sabtu, my parents g visit my aunty kt HKL, aku tk ikut so aku jd bibik je kt umah..jaga budak wani yg dh semakin lasak bangat!!!!
then, ahad aku blk smula ke spital and mlm 2 aku tido spital, nyempit2 sm ngn lily...tido atas lantai (such a great experience!!)..and monday tuh, aku temankn my aunty kt spital, since lily ada appoitment ngn, kebetulan, bandage kaki aunty aku nk kena buka monday tuh, so aku dpt laa capture pic fresh nyer lutut after operation...hehe..
diorg stapler je kulit tuh..nih 1st time aku aku jd jakun jap!! eeiiii..ngeri!!!
and, kebetulan, monday 2 (hr yg sama)..ayah lily aka husband my aunty, kena msk ijn lak pg tuh utk tebuk kt pangkal peha utk masukkan saluran (is like cm gel) utk clear kn saluran kt paru2 dia...then, my cousin aka abg lily tunggu ayah dia di ijn, while me teman aunty @ HKL...that time, mcm2 rasa...cmpur tawakal je laaa...dan alhamdulillah, pakcik aku pon selamat, and luckily, pakcik aku leh discharge hari yg mlm kul 10pm...actually aku kena blk that monday gak sbb tuesday aku ada kelas, but then, since keta aku tinggal kt umah long boy, so i have to wait for my uncle discharge, br aku leh tumpang ngah bobby amek keta kt umah long, and then headed back to kajang jugak mlm tuh dlm kul 1030pm cmtuh...
so, as conclusion mmg laa minggu yg sgt2 memenatkan, but aku puas sbb dpt jaga aunty yg satu2nya aku ada skg....tapi, yg buat aku sedih...aku teringat kn arwah mama tam aku, yg sempat aku jaga and teman dia di spital masa dia sakit utk arwah mama tam...i really miss u soooo much!!
Posted by
w a w a A Z U R A
entry syok sendiri...
ok2..aku tau, aku jerk yg sronok bila dpt benda nih (aya sonok ngn step and go dia..)..
hepi nye tk terkata!!! my aya-chan!! TQ soooo, i dedicate this bouquet of flowers for u aya!!! (next time, leh tumpang ko lg eh eh eh??) hehe...nih aku amek dr page kak chal...mmg gorgeous flowers nih!!
so, this is mine!!! auuwwww!! cant help dying for this!!!
ok daa....i better stop here...jaa ne~~
Posted by
w a w a A Z U R A
Petrosains @ KLCC with Aya-chan
halllo!!! haha...ok2..ari tuh g jln2 klcc dgn satu tujuan..amik barang penting kt kino, then g visit petrosains ni actually is tk ksh laa...nk ngabeh kn masa, we juz go je laaa...ok now, here i paste our leisure time @ petrosains, hv fun!!
hehe...aya kannn suka paste gmba aku kt blog dia skg aku paste gmba aya byk2 kt blog aku lak..haha..
aya sdg tunjuk peace-sign!!
aya sdg uji kestabilan tangan...mana aci pegang dua2 tangan aaa!!
K.A.M.I...konon2 nk amik gmba ngn ikan2 yg byk kt kolam blkg kitorg skali kn..ikan2 tuh malu..jd dpt laa amik gmba muka besa kitorg nih jerk..kui3..
me as part of the patung...kaler baju sama laa plak..
ok dh...2 je..sekian~~
Posted by
w a w a A Z U R A
tk bleh ngedit slalu..pasai lappy aku kena msk bengkel skg..
skg nih kt opis, curi masa jap..ngeh3..
buhsan+gersang tnpa lappy aku!! huh??!!!
Posted by
w a w a A Z U R A