"...they say you must find balance between work and play...and as for me, I just always see my works as my play..."
quote by mr. sho sakurai

Thursday, November 6, 2008

it's going to be FINE...

esok ada seminar progress evaluation utk semester ini...
kecut perut aku walaupun presentation petang (konon mcm ada byk masa lg laa kn hikhik)...
tapi, disebabkan ada dua Dr. R n Dr. H yg very the scary tuh...
woah~!! siyes kecut perut!!!!

come to think of the progress thingy...
what is exactly am i doing for this semester...hermmmmmm huh??!!
owh, i've been busy with the demostrator work for the whole semester!!! patut laaa pon cm rasa sekejap je dh abes semester kan (sbnrnya, jd alasan nk escape dr sv tuh hikhik...)...
but dh mmg betul, tiap kali sv wat meeting jek..mst aku tk attend sbb dia slalu wat on thursday..hari yg aku perlu ngaja...jd it's not exactly escape laaa kan...huahahaha~ *alasan nk selamat lg*..

sudahnya...esok is the evaluation day..
mak aihhhhhh!!!! mula laa terkial2 ape laa material yg nk dipresent...
yg ada pon...mcm tkde progress pon...dok tang tu jugak dr dulu...
cmna nk evaluate progress cmtuh kan???

evaluation is made based on efforts yg kita wat kan...so dont expect to have an outstanding evaluation if only the efforts stkt ala ala kan...kalo bagus keje kita, bagus laa yg kita dpt...kalo ala ala gitu...bersiap sedia laa nk argue/defend kita nye idea kan....so, that's some of the risks yg i've face masa study ni...it's all totally depends on YOU!!
hermmmm.....hadoi laaaa...


dr instinct aku nih...*tak tau leh pakai ke tak kan*
it's going to be FINE insya Allah...
hopefully it's really going fine laaaa *ya Allah perkenan kn permohonan hamba Mu ini..Amin..*

but, sendiri mau ingat laaa..
i know myself better than the other people...
i know how much/less efforts hv i put to come out with the proposal (even though, byk kali kena 'fire' ngn sv n co-sv from the last semester)...
so stkt mana aku mampu buat..i'll try my best...i'll do...
yg tak mampu buat or tak mampu nak fikir...
jgn jd mcm bijak sgt or the other word...jgn jd bongkak knows everything...
find the source that may direct/lead u ke arah yg betul....
because the fact is that im not that good after all..
im just a human who is struggle to find which is right, which is wrong for me...
so wawa, ganbarre yo~!!!


nape skg aku rasa mengantuk ni!!!!! *tension mode*
m(_ _)m


rosealley said...

hoh, patutla rileek jer, aku tau nape, congratz congrtaz, akhirnya clear jugaak, aku di cni jugak yg terkontang kanting lagih, huhuuu

w a w a A Z U R A said...

xlahh clear sgt pon..maybe some parts je...tp nih dh dok pening lak...dok suka2 hati cdg itu, cdg ini, sudahnya tk tau lak cmna nk implement...i've only hv 2weeks time...huhu~
adakah aku kena apply data structure?? node, tree etc???
mati aku~!!! dh laa dulu meniru~!!
td suka hati jek auta kan..sndiri tk hingat~!! huargh~

ermmm..about the instict, yes honestly mmg aku tk brasa cuak sgt tp still gerun tuh ada stlh dgr komen2 dr meke td..
mampukah aku~???? ermmmm....

yea..good luck next week eh..pulun jgn tk pulun!! kalo ngntuk tido jek dulu..mana tau bgn tido dtg idea...

owh...lupa nk cite kt ko (since sok ntah smpt aku borak ngn ko ke tak kan..pasai aku nk blk bentong)...aku dpt ilham always dlm shower~!!! dr smlm aku mandi...kt shower tuh laaa aku dpt ilham cmna nk present mende2 nih...hahha klaka!!

rosealley said...

haha, yeke???patut ko mandi lame ek;p
aku nak mandi lama2 gak la kalo gitu, biar selalu dapat ilham